Sunday, May 1, 2011

Experiment 2- Final submission

Issac Newton:Humans will deconstruct the earth through the overdevelopment of society.
           +Sigmund Freud:The mind is a prison.
              =Human mind is like an overdeveloped prison.

Entire view of the landscape, there is only one way to access the prison(prisms). The prisms is located on

an island. The landscape shows s feeling of overdevelopment, especially the entrance which is

constructed way higer than the surroundings and it is very narrow. It can be perceived as a metaphor that

indicates what people are thinking is hard to tell (enter), and some people have very shallow or narrow


Prisms with textures.

Backview of the landscape.

Laboratory of Sigmund Freud applied with dark texture to emphasize a sense of depression and make the prisms serious and rigid.

Another backview of the landscape.

A watchtower is placed nearby the prisms, just to make the scheme like a realistic prison.

Newton's laboratory applied with relatively small textures, which reflects the overdelopment of human mind.

The two images above shows how I interlock the two models I made in Sketchup just so that it would look like a prison or a place that is very boring and depressed.

Original models made in sketch up, after interlocking and putting them in sandbox, they look a bit different.

Textures used.

Sketch up model- 10 prisms:



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